Mediumship Readings
Mediumship Readings
Readings to Help you Connect with your Loved Ones who've Crossed Over
Receive messages from your friends and loved ones who have crossed over.
Whether you have a 30 or 60 minute sitting you are bound to leave with a sense of peace, healing, confirmation, and validation that your loved ones are still with you.
Kit will always communicate whatever Spirit asks him to share. This may not be the message you expect to hear, but it is what those in Spirit world feel will be beneficial to you. These readings do not cure the grieving process but it greatly assists the healing journey by showing you that your loved ones have transcended their physical death and are still by your side.
Please note that it is loved ones who have already crossed over, we will not predict or tell you about anyone who is about to make their transition into the spirit world. The passing of a loved one is personal to everyone involved and we would consider it a total intrusion to any reading.
All readings are by appointment only
Readings are normally 30 Minutes in length and cost $65 (60 minutes are $125)
Call 813-451-5969 to Schedule an Appointment